At a time when public health services are more in demand than ever why are we (the public) being led in to believing a good rating from the CQC is a thing to be celebrated! Now this is where I point out this isn't a post against most of the front line workers in the health services (after all I was one for many years) they work hard and do not get the recognition they deserve.
For those who are unaware the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England, they have 4 ratings overall in which they can give a service. Those ratings are inadequate, requires improvement, good and outstanding. Services are assessed on if they are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. Then from this the inspector will give their rating of the service and publish a report (all CQC reports are available on their website if you want to search your area I live in Suffolk and of the services listed on the CQC site, (this includes care homes, hospitals, clinics, home services, GP services, mental health services and community services) only 7.5% have an outstanding rating.
So surely to gain a "Good" rating as the under this is requires improvement, is the baseline, the basic things that need to be done to meet the criteria set. If this was an assignment towards a degree "good" would be a "pass", you could have gone that extra mile to get a "merit" or even better "distinction" but the effort just wasn't put in. Now if on your imaginary degree you only put in enough effort to constantly get pass results, you wouldn't be achieving that sort after 2:1 or 1:1 class degree that employers look for. So why are these health places who should be going the extra mile (again those things out of mos!t front line staffs abilities to control) celebrating, hanging banners displaying a rating that means they are meeting the basics? We should be only hanging banners for those services going the extra mile, putting in the extra effort, who are one of the 7.5% (in suffolk). The ones putting in the time, correcting mistakes, taking accountability and most of all CARE.
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