If you've followed me from the beginning you'll already know I am diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on top of other conditions. You may also know this causing me chronic pain, but not many will know what Fibromyalgia is or how it actually affects a sufferer (warrior in my world, I don't like the word sufferer).
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition causing widespread pain across the body, it is a condition where there is still a lot of research to be done so is very misunderstood including by medical professionals. The condition's symptoms mimic those of other conditions and they're aren't any tests for it only tests to see what it isn't hence Fibromyalgia can also be misdiagnosed. Along with other conditions like myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) most commonly now known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) (which I also have) there was a time where some healthcare providers questioned it is real, although today the condition is better understood and stigma has eased somewhat.
Symptoms vary from person to person and they can also vary in severity at different points almost going into a period of remission with some warriors then coming back with a vengeance, getting gradually worse with others and maintaining a standard level for others. On top of this outside factors can also affect Fibro Warriors symptoms such as:
and illness
Symptoms of Fibromyalgia are as follows and as previously mentioned not everyone will have all symptoms or all regions of pain (previously known as trigger points):
- Widespread pain - pain can be felt as a dull ache, burning, or a sharp stabbing pain. Pain is commonly felt worse in the back, neck and hips.
- Extreme Sensitivity - touch can sometimes be too much for a Fibro Warrior to handle, along with feeling pain to a more extreme level and for longer. For example stubbing your toe can be painful at normal times but for a Fibro Warrior it can feel like a brick has been dropped on your foot with pain spreading up the leg and lasting for longer than an couple of hours. Also being exposed to sensitivities eg dairy intolerance, hay fever, and gluten can also flare Fibromyalgia symptoms.
- Stiffness and Muscle Spasm - Especially when periods in the same position and first thing in a morning.
- Fatigue - Extreme tiredness like when having the flu or more severe and sudden that you don't have the energy to do anything.
- Poor sleep quality - Waking up still tired, even after plenty of sleep. This can be because due to pain and other symptoms warriors may not get into a deep enough sleep or if they do for long enough to wake feeling refreshed.
- "Fibro-Fog" - Fibromyalgia can cause cognitive issues, in my personal experience I can struggle getting words out and with train of thought. I also find the need to write things down otherwise I forget. Others may get slow or slurred speech and problems with attention and concentration.
- Headaches - these can range from mild headaches to severe migraines
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Dizziness and Clumsiness
- Unable to regulate body temperature - feeling too hot or too cold
- Restless leg syndrome
- Pins and needles
- Painful periods
- Anxiety and Depression - due to the situation (constant pain, less able to do tasks that were able to be done, less able to be as active etc), warriors can feel useless, worthless amongst a range of other emotions.
The exact cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown but the NHS cite factors that are thought to contribute to the condition Abdominal pain messages, Chemical balances, sleep problems and genetics. Although Fibromyalgia along with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be triggered by a stressful event, this can be emotional and/or physical stress (mine was cause by a traumatic birth with Joseph (my eldest) resulting in an emergency c-section, haemorrhage, 3 pint blood transfusion and causing me to nearly go into cardiac arrest with my pulse going down to 3) other examples of stress trauma are as follows:
- Injury
- Infection
- Birth
- Surgery
- Relationship breakdown
- Abusive relationship
- Bereavement
For a GP to diagnose Fibromyalgia a Warrior needs to have 3-6 severe "regions of pain" or 7 milder areas of pain. Pain needs to have stayed at a same or similar level for at least 3 months and no other reason for the symptoms has been found.
Currently there is no cure for Fibromyalgia but there are pain management options and different professionals that your GP can refer you to.
In my experience I currently don't take prescribed medication for Fibromyalgia, I did used to but due to my other conditions and medication sensitivities the medication took too much of my life away, I was even more tired in bed most of the day. They also cause the Fibro Fog to make everyday tasks impossible I just couldn't think. The pain clinic had referred me for acupuncture but the service was discontinued in my area. I have also been offered injections into my spine but against my personal feelings at the time felt that the risks involved. I will do a post in the future going into more details on my experience with Fibromyalgia.
For more information on Fibromyalgia you can go to the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fibromyalgia/ where I got most of my facts from or http://www.fmauk.org/ (Fibromyalgia Action UK).
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